
Use Snapdocs Connect to embed functionality in your application to create closings, receive status, issue revised documents (e.g., redraws), and retrieve signed documents (e.g., scanbacks).

Create a closingCreate a closing in Snapdocs with the closings endpoint.POST /api/v1/closings
Check closing statusReceive real-time status updates on the progress of the closing, including both document and signing status with the closing status endpoint.

You can use a webhook subscription to automatically retrieve all updates or get the status of a specific closing.
GET /api/v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/status
Upload closing documentsUpload a new closing document into Snapdocs' system with the document endpoint.POST /api/v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/documents
Submit documents of a specified type after uploadingSignify Snapdocs that all required documents have been uploaded.PUT /api/v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/documents/submit
Submit a document redrawIssue revised documents for the closing with the full redraw endpoint.POST /v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/full_redraw
Complete a closingComplete the closing and ready to retrieve all signed documents.PUT /api/v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/complete
Download signed documentsRetrieve all signed documents associated with the closing.GET /api/v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/documents
Cancel a closingCancel an existing closing.PUT /api/v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/cancel
Reopen a closingReopen a closed closing.PUT api/v1/closings/{closing_uuid}/reopen
Create a webhook subscriptionGet notified via webhook of major events happening in the closing.POST /api/v1/subscriptions
Delete a webhook subscriptionRemove an unwanted subscription.DELETE /api/v1/subscriptions/:id
Download Audit Trail of ClosingGet audit events of a closing{closing_uuid}/audit_trail
Download Audit Trail of a DateQuery audit events of the specified date of a lender companyPOST