Compliance Downloads
Snapdocs recognizes that lenders have multiple departments with various needs once documents have been fully signed through Snapdocs. This guide describes how risk and compliance teams can download compliance documents that they must store, such as sealed electronic documents, certificates, audit trail logs. This ensures the loan has all supporting evidence it would need in case validity is questioned at some later time.
Suggested Trigger
Snapdocs supports the ability for automated retrieval of any original tamper sealed documents, eSign certificates, as well as our audit trail. By creating a subscription, you can either download each tamper-sealed document as it is made available (on document.created
), or download them all after the closing is complete in Snapdocs (on closing.completed
Snapdocs strongly recommends hooking into existing Post Closing milestones to automate the below actions after the signing has completed, and the loan has progressed far enough to know there would not be follow on signing actions.
- Identify a post-closing event in the LOS that fires only when the completed closing has been fully confirmed.
- Get a list of documents - to list all available documents, including tamper sealed
- Download a document - repeat this for any original tamper sealed documents, certificates, or signed document set desired
- Complete closing - mark the Closing as completed
- Get audit trail events for the current closing - store all the logged activity for future reference.
Download eSign originals that have tamper seals / certificates
Regardless of when your integration downloads the Snapdocs compliance files, use the endpoints in this section, the documents list API to get the list of available documents. The list indicates each document's type and the URL to use for download via the download API.
Compliance can download and store as many documents as needed, however the following is the list of tamper-sealed documents.
Document Types |
signed esign documents |
signed enote documents |
enote audit certificate |
signed ron documents |
Complete the Closing with the PUT call
Mark closing as complete with Complete closing.
Download the audit trail
Snapdocs maintains a detailed audit log of events for each closing as to present a clear history from closing creation all the way to closing completion. Crucial information such as event timestamp, user name and event type are included. We also include information like user IP, browser info, and notes. The tracked event types include, but are not limited to:
closing.autocomplete closing.canceled closing.create closing.create_full_redraw closing.opt_out closing.reopened closing.signing_completed closing.signing_reopened closing.updated closing_user.add closing_user.remove comment.created comment.updated | consumer_confirmation.available consumer_confirmation.sent consumer_confirmation.unavailable consumer_esigned_docusign consumer_preview.closed consumer_preview.finished consumer_preview.opened documents.removed esigning.opened esignable.title_docs.skipped mobile_notary_order.canceled mobile_notary_order.created |
To support the lender's auditing requirements, Snapdocs provides an API to download the entire audit trail log for a closing. Lenders can access the Closing Audit endpoint at any point during a closing's lifetime, but we expect this call to happen after the closing's signed documents have been returned.
Updated over 2 years ago