Integrate with Notary Events

When a notary is requested to notarize a closing, Snapdocs Connect broadcasts a message to the webhook listener that you set up for notary events. These events cover all steps of the notarization process. After receiving a message from Snapdocs Connect regarding the notary appointment, you can call our Get Notary endpoint to retrieve additional notary information pertaining to the closing.

Notary Subscription Events

Subscription EventsSubscription Event Description
notary.order_createdA notary order has been created
notary.assignedA notary has been assigned
notary.appointment_confirmedA notary appointment has been confirmed
notary.order_completedA notary order has been completed
notary.order_did_not_signA notary order was not signed
notary.order_canceledA notary order has been canceled
notary.appointment_confirmation_status_changedA notary appointment confirmation status changed

Step 1: Use a webhook listener
Create an HTTPS webhook listener to receive the notary events from Snapdocs Connect. You’ll use the URL as the listener webhook_url in the next step.

Note: If the webhook arrives successfully, please respond with a HTTP 200 response. Please use a separate HTTP status code if the webhook does not arrive successfully. See webhook responses.

Step 2: Subscribe to the notary events
Make a POST request to the Create a subscription endpoint to register the webhook URL and the notary subscription events. With this subscription, we will send you a notification to the webhook listener when notary changes occur on the closing.

Step 3: Handle the event payload
Write custom application code to process the response to receiving the notary subscription event.