Integrate with Other Events

Here’s a collection of additional Subscription Events we strongly recommend you subscribe to in order to support the full closing workflow in your POS system.

Closing Events

If there are changes to the closing, you can subscribe to the following events to be notified of these changes.

Closing Subscription Events

Subscription EventsSubscription Event Description
closing.completedClosing has been completed
closing.canceledClosing has been canceled
closing.type_convertedClosing type was converted
closing.canceled_from_redrawClosing was canceled from full redraw
closing.created_from_redrawClosing is created from a full redraw
closing.appointment_details_changedClosing appointment details have changed

Opt Out/Opt In to eSign

In the event that a borrower wants to opt out of eSigning from your dashboard, use the Borrower Opt In/Out endpoint to inform us of that change. Conversely, we will broadcast a webhook notification containing either the borrower.opted_in or borrower.opted_out events to inform you if the borrower changes their status on our end.

Borrower Opt In/Out Subscription Events

Subscription EventsSubscription Event Description
borrower.opted_outBorrower opted out of eSigning
borrower.opted_inBorrower opted back into eSigning

Document Events

You can subscribe to be notified when signed documents have been generated for the borrower to review or download.


Document download capabilities can be limited by Lender. If the partnering Lender does not allow for borrowers to download their documents, the POS will not be able to download the document either.

Document Subscription Events

Subscription EventsSubscription Event Description
document.createdA closing document has been generated


These events are broadcasted in the event of a closing redraw.

Redraw Subscription Events

Subscription EventsSubscription Event Description
borrower.redraw_preview_availableRedraw documents are available for a Borrower to preview
borrower.redraw_esigning_availableRedraw documents are available for a borrower to eSign
closing.canceled_from_redrawClosing was canceled from full redraw
closing.created_from_redrawClosing is created from a full redraw


Comment Subscription Events
Subscribe to the following to be notified when a comment has been added to a closing.

Subscription EventsSubscription Event Description
closing.comment_createdComment added to a closing.