Use this end point to capture the current statuses of Preview/Esign in Snapdocs for each Borrower in the Closing.
The Borrower Document Statuses object
Key | Type | Description |
borrowers | Array | Details of documents preview and eSign of each borrower |
id | Integer | Unique identifier for the user issued by Snapdocs |
first_name | String | The borrower's first name |
last_name | String | The borrower's last name |
suffix | String | The borrower's suffix |
signature_name | String | The borrower's signature name |
email | String | The borrower's email address |
phone | String | The borrower's phone number |
preview_status | String | The current status of documents preview. Possible values are: Not Ready — Documents are either not yet uploaded or still in Doc Process. Ready — Documents are ready for preview. Completed — The Borrower has reviewed documents. | |
esigning_status | String | The current status of documents eSign. Possible values are: Not Ready — Documents are either still in Doc Process or eSigning is not yet unlocked for the Borrower. Ready — Documents are ready for eSign. Completed — The Borrower has eSigned documents. |
access_token | String | This is the unique token to format the URL for the borrower to review/eSign the documents. As part of the onboarding, your Snapdocs Customer Success Manager will provide you with an URL which is appended with the access token for the borrower experience. The format will look like:<access_token> |